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Pirates' Moon

In Progress . . .

Art: George Grie and Jimmy ThomasLegend of the Pirates’ Moon

Once every quarter of a century, on the night of the blood red moon, a ghostly ship returns to the waters of the great Chesapeake, tracing and retracing the courses she once sailed.

Now this is no ordinary ship, but a pirate ship. And its captain and crew are no ordinary ghosts. It is said, when they disembark from the mists of time, they are as real as you and I — flesh and blood that is. 

And so they continue to be from one full moon to the next, twenty-nine days in all.  When the next moon begins to wane, they must return from whence they came or be turned to dust forevermore.  Beware, however.  Should you encounter these ruffians, they’ll seize you and carry you off to sail the high seas.  They’ll not return for another quarter century when once again they’ll sail beneath the crimson orb, known as the “Pirates’ Moon.”

[Cover Design by ByDand Publishing. Full Moon Rising artwork licensed from George Grie at Couple photo licensed from Jimmy Thomas at]